Ticket sales are now available!

Get ready to challenge the status quo at Outlier 2024, the global data viz conference to connect, learn, and be inspired!

June 12th → 14th, 2024
Chicago, IL (USA) at Northwestern University’s downtown campus or join us virtually

Outlier is a one-of-a-kind data visualization conference hosted by the Data Visualization Society.

Outlier is a one of a kind data visualization conference hosted by the Data Visualization Society. The fourth annual Outlier will take place online and in Chicago, USA in June 2024, 12-14.

Outlier brings together all corners of the data visualization community, from artists to business intelligence developers, working in every tech stack you can imagine and in other media, like physical art and sound, that stretch our vision of what we can do with data. Attendees stretch their creative thinking, and learn from practitioners who they may not otherwise connect with.

The program is designed to be inclusive, diverse, and creative, with opportunities for inspiration and learning. We run a public call for speakers, which attracts not only well known thought leaders, but also people you may not have heard of who are shaping the field.

At Outlier, we want to nurture the field of data visualization design by finding ways to challenge how things have always been in our field and reshaping the face of data visualization by bringing in more diverse and global community members.

At Outlier 2024, we’ll be exploring positive disruptions in the world of data visualization.

A positive disruptor is someone who challenges current organizational trends and habits and strives to find positive alternatives.

Positive disruption is often (but not always) celebrated as it inspires us to try new techniques and approach our work differently.

Change is necessary for advancing the data visualization industry. We need to seek out where change improves how we work and what we do, and be mindful of ways disruption can be uncomfortable, but necessary.

While we expect some great insights around the disruptions created by advancements in AI, we also want to think bigger about the ways the data visualization field continues to grow and evolve thanks to positive disrupters.

Outlier 2024 Themes

Infographics & Data Storytelling

How have designs and tech stacks for visualization evolved? What models and innovations can we learn from to bring more storytelling into our work?

Business Intelligence & Analytics

What are the latest innovations to help leaders make data-led decisions faster? What features make a great dashboard or analytical product?

Data Art & Innovation

What are the innovations and ethical challenges that come with these innovations, and how does data art connect to the more practical disciplines within data visualization?

Inclusivity & Accessibility

How do we turn best practices into everyday practices to apply inclusive design in our visualization work?

Data Literacy, Data Culture & Data Teams

How do we effectively collaborate on creating data visualizations? How can we use visualization to elevate data literacy to a global good?

Outlier 2024 Logistics


Outlier speaker applications will open on Monday, February 5, 2024 and remain open through Friday, February 24, 2024.


Conference passes for the three day event will go on sale in February, with the option for virtual or in-person attendance. All attendees will have access to all talks, recordings, networking opportunities, unconference sessions, and more.

Dues-paying members of the Data Visualization Society receive a substantial discount on tickets. We encourage you to join as a member or level up your free membership to take advantage of the discount and the many other benefits of membership!

DVS GENERAL AND PATRON MEMBERS | $699 in-person standard pass or $99 virtual pass

IN-PERSON (Chicago, IL) | $899 early bird (ends April 15) or $999 standard pass

VIRTUAL | $199 early bird (ends April 15) or $299 standard pass

We will also offer a limited number of discounted tickets for early career practitioners and freelancers. Volunteers on the Outlier 2024 Committee receive a free conference pass.

In-person tickets are limited, so we encourage you to purchase your ticket early to make sure you don't miss out! All prices listed here are in US dollars.

Outlier 2024 Agenda

Our 2024 Sponsors.


Become a sponsor

Organising a global hybrid conference would not be possible without our members, partners, and sponsors.

By sponsoring Outlier and DVS, you will support our efforts to create an inclusive, diverse, and unique experience, putting yourself at the center of the data viz community by aligning your brand and organization with excellence in dataviz, and connecting with an engaged expert audience.

How? Read more about it here and reach out to Outlier Director at outlier@datavisualizationsociety.org for more information.

Our 2024 Partners.